Posted-By: auto-faq Archive-name: radio/ham-radio/elmers/index Posting-Frequency: posted on the 1st of each month Quick Search Index by Subject: (Note: This index is not necessarily all-inclusive and some Elmers are listed more than once.) AMATEUR RADIO EMERGENCY SERVICE MAILING LISTS (ARES)/RADIO AMATEUR CIVIL EMERGENCY SERVICE (RACES) Ackermann (TAPR Net-SIG) BBS) Battles Ardai (Many, see full entry) Chilton (EMA Radio Officer) deVolpi (AmSoft Product Glago (Sonoma Valley, CA Announcements) ARES and RACES Director) Dodell (Land-Mobile Radio, Humphries (ex-Asst. EC) MARS Members) Stader (EMAS SEC) Hill (Antique and Older Tube Equipment, AMATEUR TELEPRINTER OVER RADIO* Working (AMTOR)/PACKET TELEPRINTER OVER Group) RADIO (PACTOR)/RADIO TELETYPE (RTTY) Leadmon (MD/DC Activities) Madsen, et al (Iowa State Elmers) Battles Meredith (F6FBB Packet BBS) Sayer (also decoding CHU's Nerenberg (DX) ASCII time code) Peckham (College Clubs) Wier (Motorola HC11/HC16 and ICOM) AMERICA ON-LINE Williamson (Many, AMSAT-related) Stader (Host and Manager, MEDIA (PUBLICATION/WRITING/ Ham Radio Club Forum) BROADCATING) AMERICAN RADIO RELAY LEAGUE Battles (QST) (ARRL) Bloom (QEX) Buelow (TAPR BBSSIG User Battles (QST Features Editor, Education Working Group) CT PIO) Coletti, et al (Newsline) Bloom (QEX Editor, ARRL CNC Lau (QST/QEX) Contact) Leynes (Editor-in-Chief, Youthnet Ehrlich (WWW Page, EMAS News) Internetworking ASM) Lloyd (QRZ! Ham Radio CDROM) Elmore (CO TC) Moore (Co-Host, Ham Radio and More) Goldstein (Volunteer Counsel - Schleck (Usenet FAQ's) Florida Only) Hare (Laboratory Manager) MEDIUM FREQUENCY (MF, 160 meters) Hill (TN TS) Jahnke (VEC Manager) Zurn Lau (Technical Consultant) Redding (Educational Advisor) MICROWAVE Sefranek (EMAS TA) Stader (EMAS ASM and DEC) Hammill Tracy (InfoServer Sysop, Lau (Transverters up to TIS Coordinator) 24 Ghz) Turner (Volunteer Counsel) van Vliet (including Power Amplifiers, Low-Noise Amplifiers, ANTENNAS and Mixers) Veres (Commercial Radio through Brewer (wire HF) 12 GHz, 2.5 GHz ITFS TV) Brubaker (HF) Coyle (multi-band wire HF) MILITARY AFFILIATE RADIO SYSTEM DePolo (Design/Theory) (MARS) Elmore Graham, J (wire HF for Alexander (Navy) apartments) Cartier (Army, CT Director for Halbert (simple designs) Emergency Operations) Hill (Mobile, including HF) Dodell (Air Force, Mailing List) Humphries (VHF and multi-band Gutstadt (Navy/Marine Corps.) wire arrays) Ingerson (Navy/Marine Corps., Myers (and transmission ME Area of Region ONE) lines) Taylor (Air Force) Ornitz (including computer modelling) MOBILE/PORTABLE/FIELD DAY Rymell Salnick Carruth (FM and HT's) Salyzyn Cieslak (Field Day, Sefranek (and Transmission Lines) Category 2A) Silva Estes (Bicycle HF) Standerfer Hare (RFI issues) Stine (wire HF) Hill (including MF, HF) Stockton Humphries Taylor Keller (HF) van De Kerk (HF Low-Profile) Salyzyn (HF CW) Zurn (wire HF) NATIONAL TRAFFIC SYSTEM (NTS) ANTIQUE AND OLDER EQUIPMENT Elmore Bellville Goldstein (NCS FL Net, Brewer (40's-70's) Packet) Hill (Mailing List) Salyzyn (Canada) Keys (including HF and CW) Zurn (Europe) Paperman (Manuals, Service Information, and Literature) NOVICE/TECH INSTRUCTION Standerfer Turner (including Kenwood and Bellville (K-12 Educator Ten-Tec) and Consultant) Bono (AutoExam/AutoCW) APPLE MACINTOSH COMPUTER Chilton Deutschmann Bellville Glago (Public Service for Ehrlich (including Amateur Radio Beginning Amateurs) Software FTP Archive) Hill (CW learning hints) Stader (List of Amateur Radio Larson Software) Madsen, et al Maia (W5YI Group Education BATTERIES Division) Myers (including basic Hammill (Sealed Lead-Acid) electronics and communications Meyers theory) Sefranek (including Solar Redding Operation) Reeves Stader BULLETIN-BOARD SYSTEMS (BBS'S) PACKET Gathergood (CQ Centre) Leadmon (WB3FFV) Ackermann (including TCP/IP, Meredith (F6FBB Packet BBS TAPR, Net-SIG, and Kantronics Support) D4-10 19.2kBaud Radio Modems, Joint IP Coordinator for Ohio CALLSIGN DATA/NATIONAL TECHNICAL Subnet) INFORMATION SERVICE (NTIS) Angus (TCP/IP, NOS, UUPC, Tnet, and SNEWS, SCO Xenix Carruth TCP/IP and Sendmail, IP Coordinator for CA - LA CIVIL AIR PATROL (CAP) County Subnet) Battles (AX.25 and TCP/IP) Moore Bellville (including Rose) Standerfer Bloom (ARRL CNC Contact) Buelow (TAPR BBSSIG User COLLEGE CLUBS Education Working Group) Chandler (BayMOO Packet Radio DePolo (Technical Director, Simulation MUD) Univ. of Pennsylvania ARC) Coffman (GRAPES 56 kBaud Edwards (Univ. of Maryland Radio Modems) ARA) Cole (TCP/IP and NOS) Madsen, et al (Iowa State Coyle Elmers) Deutschmann Peckham (Mailing List) Dodell (IP Coordinator for Schleck Arizona Subnet) Fay (IP Coordinator for MD - COMMERCIAL EQUIPMENT Prince George's, St. Mary's, and Calvert Counties Subnet, Bellville Linux with TNOS) DePolo Goldstein (TAPR TNC-2 Firmware, Dodell (Mailing List) Packet Radio and TAPR WWW Veres (Commercial Radio through Server) 12 GHz, UHF and 2.5 GHz ITFS Graham, J (KAMterm) TV) Ingerson (TCP/IP, IP Coordinator Wier (ICOM Mailing List) for Maine Subnet) Leadmon (IP Coordinator for CW (MORSE CODE) Maryland Subnet) Leynes (TCP/IP) Bono (AutoCW) Madsen, et al (Iowa State Elmers) Elmore Meredith (AZ VHF/UHF Digital Hill (learning hints) Coordinator, F6FBB Packet BBS Keys (including CWIST HF CW Net) Mailing List and Support BBS) Salyzyn Nerenberg (TCP/IP) Silva Nielsen (TAPR) Stine Salyzyn (Canadian) Stockton Sayer (VHF) van De Kerk Schliesser (Join IP Coordinator Zurn (including European for Ohio Subnet) abbreviations) Stader (TCP/IP and Macintosh) Vail (TCP/IP, TAPR/9600) DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING (DSP) PART-15 BROADCASTING Bloom Bruhns Ornitz Edwards Gilliver POWER SUPPLIES van Vliet (Filters, including Integrated, Distributed, Myers Lumped, and Active) Sefranek EQUIPMENT TESTING/TROUBLESHOOTING PRODUCT INFO/FEEDBACK Brewer (Tube Gear) Bono (AutoExam, AutoCW, Bruhns (Low-Level/Low-Frequency et al) Analog and Transmission Line Coffman (GRAPES 56 kBaud Measurements) Radio Modems) Coyle (Kenwood TS-830S and deVolpi (AmSoft Product TS-940/AT Service) Announcements Mailing List) DePolo Gilhuly (Kentrol and SkedMan) Elmore (Troubleshooting) Lloyd (QRZ! Ham Radio CDROM) Hare (ARRL Laboratory Manager) Paperman (Manuals, Service Myers Information, and Literature) Ornitz (Instrumentation) Wier (ICOM Mailing List) Paperman (Manuals, Service Information, and Literature) QRP (LOW POWER) Rymell (Electronics and Computer Service Work) Halbert (HF) Salnick Stockton Salyzyn Ardai (Mailing List) Sefranek (including Power Supplies Zurn and Amplifiers) Standerfer (Test Equipment and RADIO FREQUENCY INTERFERENCE (RFI) Measurements) Stockton Elmore Taylor Hare (including Automotive, Veres (Commercial Radio through Telephone, and Cable Television) 12 GHz, UHF and 2.5 GHz ITFS Myers TV) Sefranek Witte (Instrumentation) Stockton Witte FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQ's) RECIPROCAL LICENSING/FOREIGN OPERATION Bowen (Supplemental FTP Archives, Internet Callbook Server) Andrews (New Zealand) Cheeseman (Australia) Salyzyn (Canada) Dodell ( Newsgroup) Stockton (UK) Ehrlich (World-Wide Web) Zurn (Italy and Germany) Goldstein (Packet Radio WWW Server, including Packet FAQ) REPEATERS Hill (Antennas) Jahnke (VE Exams Scheduled) Battles Kluft (General) Bellville (2m/6m/440) Stader (Macintosh Amateur Radio Chilton Software) DePolo (VHF/UHF Design and Turvey (United Kingdom) Construction, Database Manager - Williams (Amateur Radio WWW Server) EPA/SNJ Repeater Coordination Yee (Online Repeater Directory) Council) Gilbert (State Frequency HANDICAPPED OPERATING Coordinator, Texas VHF-FM Society) Gilliver (Blind Issues) Keller (220 Mhz) Madsen, et al Madsen, et al Sefranek (Building and HIGH FREQUENCY (HF)/ Maintaining) CONTESTING/DX Wilkins (including UHF) Witte Battles Brubaker SATELLITES/ORBITAL SATELLITE Chilton CARRYING AMATEUR RADIO (OSCAR), Coyle (including Station Setup for AMATEUR SATELLITE CORPORATION New Hams) (AMSAT)/SHUTTLE AMATEUR RADIO DePolo EXPERIMENT (SAREX) Elmore (DX'ing, Contesting, and Propagation) D Allessio (Branson School Gilbert SAREX Project Coordinator) Hill (Mobile) Estes (Mostly Analog, Some Madsen, et al Digital, and SAREX) Nerenberg (DX Mailing List) Gilbert Salnick Marchant (SAREX School Group Silva Technical Mentor) Simpson (Best of 75 Net) Roth (Portland, OR Area AMSAT Tidd (DXCC Databases) Coordinator, All Modes van De Kerk (CW, Low Profile) including AO-13 Mode S and Veres Weather Satellites) Zurn Williamson (InstantTrack, OrbitDRV, AMSAT Services) HOMEBREWING/DO-IT-YOURSELF SCOUTING Bruhns (including Low-Level/ Low-Frequency Analog, DSP, Cieslak (Radio Scouting Merit Surface Mounting, and Badge Advisor) Transmission Lines) Carruth (Digital Design, SEMINARS/LECTURES Software) Chilton Humphries DePolo Redding Edwards (including DSP) Elmore (Construction Practices) TELEVISION, FAST-SCAN (ATV) Gilliver (DSP, Blind Issues) Halbert (QRP) Chilton Keys (Junk Box projects, National Hammill Electrical Code for Hams) Larson Kohnen (Tubes) Veres (UHF and 2.5 GHz ITFS Lau (Transverters, VHF/UHF, TV) Filters, repeatable projects) Myers (Transmission Lines, TELEVISION, SLOW-SCAN (SSTV) Analog and Digital Design) Ornitz (Chemical and Toxic Material Langner Use and Handling) Rymell (Electronics and Computers, UNIX Low-Cost projects) Salyzyn Angus (including SCO Xenix Sayer (Class-C Bipolar Amplifiers TCP/IP and Sendmail) and Phased-Lock-Loop Circuits) Carruth (System Administration, Sefranek (Amplifiers, Batter/Solar Phoenix, AZ Linux Users Group) Operation, Power Supplies, and Cole (including Linux) Repeaters) Ehrlich Silva (Analog, Digital, Tubes, Fay (Linux with TNOS) Semiconductors, RF, Finding Nerenberg (especially System Parts) Administration, Networking, Stine (Tube Amplifiers, and Electronic Mail) Receivers, and Exciters) Salyzyn (including NeXTSTEP) Stockton (including QRP) Sayer (especially SunOS) Taylor (Tubes and Amplifiers) van Vliet (including Power VERY HIGH FREQUENCY (VHF)/ Amplifiers, Low-Noise Amplifiers, ULTRA HIGH FREQUENCY (UHF) and Mixers for Microwave) Battles (including Contesting) IBM PERSONAL COMPUTER (PC) AND Bellville (2m/6m/440 AM/FM/SSB/ CLONES Packet/QRP/Repeaters) and Repeaters) Angus Coyle Battles (including MS-DOS, Windows, DePolo (VHF/UHF Repeaters, Weak and OS/2) Signal, and Contesting) Bellville Deutschmann (Radio Amateurs Bono (AutoExam, et al) International Awards Registry) Cole Glago (including Public Service Ehrlich Communications) Fay Hammill (including ATV, Weak Signal, Keller and DX) Humphries (2m FM) INTERNET SERVICES Larson (Weak Signal) Lau (CW/SSB to 222 Mhz) Bellville Silva Ehrlich Veres (Amateur and Commercial Radio Schleck and UHF TV) Taylor Wilkins (UHF Propagation) Witte (including Portable LASERS and Mountaintopping) Noll (Communications) VOLUNTEER EXAMINER (VE) PROGRAM MAIL/FILE TRANSFER PROTOCOL (FTP)/ Ardai (ARRL VEC Mailing WORLD-WIDE WEB (WWW)/MULTIPLE- List) USER DUNGEON (MUD) SERVERS/ARCHIVES DePolo (Univ. of Pennsylvania ARC VE Team Leader) Bloom, et al (ARRL Info Mail Jahnke (ARRL VEC Manager) Server) Kohnen (W5YI) Bowen (* Maia (W5YI VEC) Supplemental Archives) Reeves Chandler (BayMOO Packet Radio Sefranek (ARRL and W5YI) Simulation MUD) Ehrlich (Boston ARC FTP archive and WWW Page, ARRL WWW Page) Goldstein (Packet Radio and TAPR WWW Server) Harding (Ham Server) Leynes (Youthnet News WWW Page) Lloyd (QRZ! Ham Radio CDROM FTP Archive and WWW Page) Nerenberg (Contesting, DX, and Technical Amateur Radio WWW Page) Nielsen (TAPR) Simpson (Best of 75 Net and Security/ Fire Systems WWW Home Pages) Williams (Amateur Radio WWW Server Williamson (AMSAT WWW Page and Anonymous FTP Archives) -- 73, Paul W. Schleck, KD3FU (personal mail) (Elmers List administrivia)